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digital learning

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There are currently 2 names in this directory beginning with the letter E.

An e-book is an « electronic » or « digital » book that can be consulted / downloaded on computer, tablet, smartphone, reader.

To remember
The digital book includes multimedia dimension: text, audio, illustration, animation, video, 3D.
It is also possible to add different degree of interactivity: to display / to hide, zoom, quiz…
The advantage of the e-book is the centralisation of the library and to no print.

It is possible to have additional features: note-taking, adding bookmarks, check-list, highlighting.
There are different size of digital books which are not necessary compatible with all the medium.
The PDF format allows to use Rich Media and interactivity in limited way.


E-learning is a learning method based on the training content provision through electronic medium, generally on the web.
By extension, it also defines interactive multimedia and educational contents created for this learning method.

To remember
It is customary to use the term e-learning only for training devices with simple scriptwriting and media coverage.
The learner’s attention facing interactive medium cannot be over 20 minutes. If the module has to go on longer, we must provide a structure allowing to have educational unities limited to 20 minutes (chapter division or sub-modules).

An e-learning can be deployed on CD or on the web. Without LMS, there cannot be centralised tracking.
Other used words:
• Online training
• Distance learning
• CBT Computer Based Training
• WBT Web Based Training
• E-training