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Formations VR : une application formateur de gestion et visualisation multi-apprenants.

Management and deployment of VR hardware: a strategic lever

Extended reality (XR), which encompasses virtual (VR), augmented (AR) and mixed (MR) reality, is radically

Addons that make it easier to create immersive applications

In a world increasingly focused on augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR), developers are constantly

Impact of immersive learning on procedural memory

Immersive learning, often achieved through technologies such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR),

Gamify to better train: edutainment, the winning approach to elearning

Imagine a world where learning is no longer a constraint but an exciting adventure, where
Soyez audacieux avec SCORM,
novateur avec Tin Can

Be innovative with Scorm®, bold with TinCan®!

In the world of professional training, educational innovation is essential to effectively respond to the
La puissance de la réflexion
métacognitive dans l’e-learning

The power of metacognitive reflection in elearning

Metacognitive reflection: definition and issues Metacognitive reflection is an essential element of pedagogy which significantly
Casque vision pro : quel impact
pour la formation ?

Vision Pro helmet: what impact for training?

Apple Vision Pro has just been announced with much fanfare. Not yet available on the
Formations VR : une application formateur de gestion et visualisation multi-apprenants.

VR training: a multi-learner management and visualization trainer application.

In the ever-changing landscape of elearning and immersive training, a major challenge faced by trainers

Digital Learning Trophies: a new Audace project rewarded!

With the serious game “La Table de Marie”,created in partnership with Audace, SKEMA Business School

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