Train through play
with the serious game.
By using the mechanics of video games, the serious game is highly motivating and engaging for learners, especially for generations Y and Z, who learn better in this way. Immersed in fictional or even unconventional situations, players benefit from a deductive pedagogy that allows them to learn in a practical and applied manner.
Le joueur est placé au centre de l’apprentissage, avec des possibilités d’interactions multiples qui favorisent un engagement accru.
Moreover, it allows the learner to directly apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the serious game, which is beneficial for both the individual and the company. By offering an opportunity to virtually apply the skills without taking any risks , this shortens the operational readiness time of the employee.
Mono ou multijoueurs, sur PC, tablette ou en réalité virtuelle, les serious games développés par Audace ont démontré leur efficacité pour développer des compétences telles que le respect des process, la résolution de problèmes, mais aussi la communication et la collaboration. Especially when the transmitter is no longer operating !
Let yourself be surprised.
Our areas
En tant que RH, vous recherchez des solutions plus créatives et innovantes pour favoriser une participation active et une meilleure rétention des connaissances ? Want to promote experiential learning? Challenge your learners with a serious game! Donnez-leur une mission dans un environnement virtuel avec lequel ils peuvent interagir !
Vous êtes convaincu(e) de la puissance de l’apprentissage par essais/erreurs ? Trust the serious game, especially when taking risks in the real world can be dangerous or costly…

For a serious game to be effective, it is essential to set up a gameplay (rules, objectives and game mechanics) that is stimulating and relevant to the training objectives being pursued. Game design, gameplay, development… Audace masters all the skills required to create a serious game.

We work in close collaboration with your industry experts to develop training programs tailored to your learners and your challenges.
Thanks to our extensive communications know-how, we can create original, engaging and motivating training courses that ensure knowledge is memorized.
Our training courses include reward systems to help your learners improve their skills.
Our multidisciplinary team supports you at every stage of creating your serious game: working closely with your subject matter experts to refine the gameplay. Then, we enjoy working with an agile methodology, developing the serious game sprint by sprint, perfectly tailored to your digital training needs.
As part of COP21, this serious game designed by Audace for La Halle aux Sucres...
As the European leader in defense naval, Naval Group is a prime target for cyberattacks....
DEVICE This virtual reality training includes 3 levels. The learner experiences the risk of electrification....
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