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Safety at work

Prevent workplace risks with digital learning!

Although the number of accidents at work in France is stabilizing, or even falling in most sectors, there are still too many of them: 604,565 in 2021 (INRS).

Training the targets most exposed to high-risk situations represents a major challenge when it comes to preventing serious and fatal accidents (road hazards, falls from height, handling machines or equipment, etc.).

This activity is in the DNA of Audace, which for the past 25 years has been helping to transform the world of industry and logistics by designing innovative customized or off-the-shelf training solutions for risk prevention in the workplace.

Our offer

Smart maintenant logo elearning


Smart maintenance logo serious game

Serious game

Smart maintenance logo immersive learning

Immersive learning

Smart maintenance logo communication


Safety at work
Customized elearning
Generali - Fire Safety

Wishing to update and optimize its digital training module relating to “Fire Safety” – training...

Operating performance
Business applications
SNCF - VR Sécumat application

The SNCF AR/VR Factory introduced “Secumat” in 2020, a virtual reality training application dedicated to...

Quality of life at work
Customized elearning
AFRAL & TOYOTA: Hygiene & Animation E-learning

Device The beginning of a fruitful collaboration! Last March, at the International Transport and Logistics...

Safety at work
Customized elearning
Air France - E-learning ETOPS

Objectives ETOPS (Extended-range Twin-engine Operation Performance Standards) is a regulation of the International Civil Aviation...

Safety at work
Immersive Learning / XR
Orano - Decommissioning and Services

Objectives The technical management of ORANO Dismantling and Services requested Audace Digital Learning to develop...

Customized elearning
Restaurants Poivre Rouge - E-learning

device The e-learning solution consists of a collection of gamified modules. This system is accompanied...

good reasons
to choose digital learning to improve safety at work

1. Engaging and interactive
2. Virtual practice and accident simulation
3. Individual monitoring and assessment
4. Consistent, up-to-date resources
5. Large-scale training