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EFS Training: Transfusion Safety and Characteristics of Blood Products (EF09)

elearning santé efs


Designed by expert doctors from Campus EFS in collaboration with healthcare managers, this e-learning course allows you to acquire the fundamental principles of Blood Products (PSL) in just 30 minutes. This module is particularly efficient and is based on the latest findings in neuroscience. The objective for the learner is to be able to recognize and master the Labile Blood Products as defined in the regulation of April 2019.

Indeed, the list of Labile Blood Products and their characteristics defined in 2010 has been updated, including the following aspects:

  • The complete overhaul and restructuring of the Labile Blood Products sections, including a reduction to 5 sections instead of 8.
  • The classification of Labile Blood Products according to their frequency of use and specific sections for rarer PSL, allowing for quick access to the most useful information for users of Labile Blood Products.
  • Examples of significant updates include the expiration period of Platelet Concentrates (PC) being extended from 5 days to 7 days. Another example is that all Platelet Concentrates (PC) now undergo pathogen inactivation treatment using amotosalen, which contributes to the improvement of infectious safety in transfusions.

The modifications brought about by this new regulation are not drastic. However, they are important and essential for users of PSL and patient safety.

In short, this new e-learning module is a comprehensive, highly didactic, and simplified tool that allows you to understand everything in just 30 minutes.

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