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Understanding the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), its principles, and the obligations and procedures it imposes for compliance can sometimes be challenging.

SNCF wanted to offer its executive employees, who are not familiar with legal issues, e-learning in order to increase their skills on the subject and acquire the right reflexes as soon as personal data processing is implemented. This e-learning training allows you to understand and memorize the fundamentals of the GDPR law to implement best practices within the Group.

An original e-learning course for a complex regulation

“Imagine yourself traveling on board the RGPD Express train. Samuel, the conductor, asks for your personalized ticket to access your seat. But when you arrive at your seat, your ticket is missing… You alert the conductor, as this could be dramatic! This ticket may contain personal data… But do you actually know what personal data is?…”

To facilitate the understanding of this complex regulation, Audace has proposed an attractive visual universe and storytelling inspired by the crimes of the Orient Express.

The learner becomes a victim of theft. Someone has taken their ticket for the RGPD Express! Under the watchful eye of Samuel, the main character, their learning takes the form of a subtle journey with several stages where they discover all the rules and recommendations outlined by the RGPD before reaching their destination.

To make the training more concrete and enhance its memorization, the story is punctuated with news stories that have occurred in the country, in the form of sensitive case reviews. Quizzes are also offered throughout the elearning, so that the learner understands the issue of losing their data and the risks involved.

The training consists of a core curriculum (approximately 40 minutes) comprising 6 chapters:

  • Introduction to the RGPD:
  • Définitions et traitement des données à caractère personnel:
  • The actors of the RGPD:
  • The principles to be followed
  • Documenting and proving compliance.
  • Quiz

Seven specific elearning modules of 20 minutes on average also make up the training:

  • Purchasing function
  • HR function
  • Communication / Marketing function
  • Video surveillance / Video protection function
  • IT Department function
  • On-board staff function

Discover the project in a video.

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