Carsat E-learning “Occupational Risk Prevention”

Liés aux conditions générales de travail, les risques professionnels peuvent provenir d’une activité mal maîtrisée, de postures contraignantes ou l’utilisation de produits chimiques. Ils peuvent être à l’origine de dommages corporels ou psychologiques, de maladies et avoir des effets immédiats.

C’est à l’employeur d’agir afin de limiter ces risques pour assurer la sécurité des salariés. Pour ce faire, la CARSAT Hauts-de-France, caisse d’assurance retraite et de la santé au travail, a souhaité mettre à disposition de ses adhérents un outil de formation en ligne. Elle a donc confié à Audace Digital Learning la création d’un module e-learning visant à sensibiliser les dirigeants d’entreprises risques professionnels.


Company executives and decision-making delegates


  • Permettre à leurs dirigeants de mesurer les enjeux des risques professionnels vis-à-vis de la performance des entreprises.
  • Etre capable d’initier et de piloter un projet de prévention entre entreprise.
  • Etre capable d’identifier les spécificités liées à la démarche de prévention des TMS.


PC and tablet

Carsat E-learning “Prevention of Psychosocial Risks”


As part of its missions, CARSAT Hauts de France, a social security organization under the general scheme, wanted to offer a digital training program to raise awareness about Psychosocial Risks (RPS) in the workplace. The training takes the form of a gamified e-learning course. The training aims to help participants identify psychosocial risks in order to better prevent them.

This digital training is part of a blended learning program.


  • Allowing to measure the challenges related to business performance.
  • To be able to frame prevention initiatives with companies.
  • To be able to initiate a prevention project.
  • To be able to manage the prevention project.
  • To be able to identify the specificities related to the approach of preventing psychosocial risks (RPS).


All employers, company executives, and decision-makers.


PC et tablette.

This e-learning module complements the digital training programs developed by Audace Digital Learning on occupational risk prevention in companies.

Other modules have also been developed by Audace Digital Learning for Carsat Hauts-de-France:

  • Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs).
  • Prevention of occupational road risks.

SNCF – Risk Management E-learning


Indeed, many factors can threaten the sustainability of a company. Among them is poor risk management. Because it can be costly to an organization, many organizations implement a risk management strategy. To raise awareness among its employees about the key principles of risk management, SNCF entrusted Audace Digital Learning with the creation of an e-learning program.


  • The goal of the e-learning program is to provide a general overview of risk management and familiarize participants with its fundamental principles.
  • The e-learning program aims to enable learners to understand the roles they will have in the risk management cycle.
  • The e-learning program sets the context and aims to motivate users to further explore the field of risk management.


Risk managers (executives and senior managers in support functions), senior managers and executives responsible for cross-functional or production entities.


PC or tablet

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Supermarchés Match – E-learning “Gestures and Postures in My Department”

Stop Musculoskeletal Disorders!

“The employer provides workers whose activities involve manual handling with information on the risks they face (…), and appropriate training on safety related to the performance of these operations…”
Article R. 4541-8 of the Labor Code

Supermarchés Match, a retail chain based in Hauts-de-France and Grand-Est regions, has decided to offer an e-learning training on “gestures and postures”. Its objective is to ensure that every employee can understand the consequences of their gestures and postures in the context of a food supermarket and make necessary corrections to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (TMS). Audace Digital Learning has created a gamified e-learning module using an investigation led by Detective Barnabé Tise within a supermarket setting.


Supermarket employees


  • The module emphasizes the importance of musculoskeletal disorders (TMS) related to physical activity.
  • The module helps to identify situations that can be detrimental to health and lead to musculoskeletal disorders (TMS).
  • The module helps to apply the basic principles of physical safety and effort economy in the workplace.

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Discover the project in a video.

Natixis E-learning “10 Golden Rules of Security”


In order to combat malice within and around its premises, Natixis, a French financial institution, has decided to offer its employees an e-learning training. The company has therefore called upon Audace Digital Learning to successfully carry out the pedagogical design and digital production of the media components of the training program. Among them are animated videos that have been created with an original storyline universe…


Natixis employees


Raise awareness among users about best practices to combat malice.


Live on air! Live from Natixis headquarters, the learner follows a live news broadcast. In this special feature dedicated to workplace safety, guest specialists on the subject take the floor. Reports, interviews, and even some (not-so) miscellaneous events are featured… In this animated video, combining live footage and motion design, the viewer discovers how to protect themselves against malicious acts.

Polls, participation through the SMS chat of the show, and contests allow learners to interact with the educational program.



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Natixis digital mini-games


Natixis is a French financial institution specializing in employee savings and retirement. In 2021, Natixis organized a week-long virtual event for its employees as part of safety days. During this event, Natixis employees had the opportunity to participate in an internal quiz contest. Objectif : les inciter à devenir des « citoyens responsables » et ainsi éviter l’engorgement des services de secours.

Several online mini-games designed by Audace were offered, with the aim of providing them with some safety instructions to apply in their personal lives.

For this project, Audace Digital Learning proposed an original and quirky storytelling universe, aiming to capture the learner’s attention by generating positive emotions and thus improving their memorization.


General public


To offer learners a playful and educational medium to understand and apply the basic principles of “Alert – Protect – Rescue.” The objective is to provide a fun and pedagogical support that enables learners to grasp and implement these fundamental principles.


After a long day of work, Stella returns from the asteroid belt. Destination: the Ceres branch, just before the Jupiter stop. The journey is short: approximately 359,750,793.43 kilometers from her home in Paris… which takes about 20 minutes at the speed of light. Barely enough time to relax! To think our heroine was hoping for a little breather…

Fortunately, in recent years, intergalactic public transportation has made significant progress. However, many things can happen during this period of time…

In just a few minutes, the learner will be faced with a series of unprecedented or dangerous situations that will test their ability to react quickly.


PC or tablet

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Natixis – Augmented Reality (AR) E-learning for Fire Safety Training

Afin de former efficacement ses collaborateurs aux dangers et aux procédures d’évacuation en cas d’incendie, Natixis a souhaité se doter d’une solution de formation riche et interactive, vecteur d’engagement et de mémorisation.

Pour cela, Audace Digital Learning a développé une application e-learning accessible sur tablette, dotée d’animations en réalité augmentée.

Le principe est simple : l’utilisateur déambule dans un couloir de son lieu de travail. Equipé de sa tablette, il est invité à scanner les images qui se présentent à lui (sur les murs de l’établissement). Apparaissent alors, en surcouche de la réalité, des questions, animations vidéos, mais également des simulations en 3D temps-réel, telles qu’un départ de feu de poubelle. Son attitude face à l’événement simulé (exemple : l’apparition d’un épais nuage de fumée) déclenche alors l’apparition d’outils nécessaire à sa formation : vidéos, documentation… Au cours de cette expérience immersive, il lui est également demandé d’identifier des facteurs à risques.

Le caractère immersif confère à la formation un haut niveau de réalisme, qui facilite l’apprentissage : l’utilisateur peut s’initier aux bons gestes et réflexes à adopter en cas d’incendie dans son environnement réel de travail. Il se se sent ainsi plus engagé et peut à tout moment revenir, s’il en a besoin, sur certaines étapes de sa formation.

L’avantage de cette solution est également de pouvoir être personnalisée à chacun des établissements du Groupe et d’être accessible aux publics sourds et malentendants.

500 collaborateurs/mois sont ainsi formés par le biais de cet outil.

Cet outil a été développé avec la technologie Google ARCore. Développement chez Natixis, en une du site

Ce qu'en pensent les collaborateurs de Natixis

« Le réalisme de l’animation est frappant, on retrouve la situation réelle en cas de sinistre. »

« La formation est bien plus captivante, on se sent bien plus concerné qu’une formation classique. »

« J’ai pu le faire quand je voulais. »

« C’est ludique et innovant, cela nous permet d’être acteur de notre propre formation et d’apprendre plus vite. »

Kiloutou E-learning “Proper use of company vehicles”


E-learning module intended for integration into client’s LMS.

The aim is to train the learner on the rules and codes that govern the use of vehicles for the purpose of delivering/collecting equipment during their missions. Vehicle Inspection, Responsible Usage, Reporting Issues and Incidents… Module designed for integration into the client’s LMS.


Employees using internal vehicles: cars, vans, trucks…


Train the learner on the rules and regulations governing the use of vehicles for delivery/pick-up missions of equipment (vehicle inspection, responsible use, reporting issues and incidents…).

Discover the project in a video.

AIR FRANCE E-learning “Radar Interference”


In order to mitigate the risks associated with radar interference, Air France, a major player in the airline industry, has decided to implement a digital training program, specifically an e-learning course, for its pilots.


Air France pilots


To help pilots identify, analyze, and prevent the risks associated with radar interference.



Total E-learning “Centrifugal Pumps”

The French giant entrusted Audace Digital Learning with the design of 6 e-learning modules dedicated to the knowledge and operation of common equipment in the oil industry, centrifugal pumps.

The created modules are intended for operators and technicians across all industrial sites of the TOTAL Group. Audace had the pleasure of designing 6 training modules. Objectives: understand how they work, know how to intervene in case of breakdown, perform routine operations…
An evaluation module concludes the program.